September 2024 Newsletter Reflection

Pastor Carol


Time flies, they say. Time flies, we experience!!  September is a time for the people of God, specifically the people of Trinity Lutheran, family and friends to gather.  Yes, throughout the summer we have gathered; some in the sanctuary, some with family, some while traveling, camping, attending sports events, participating in sports and recreational activities/hobbies,  and in the back yard (fighting off heat/humidity, dodging raindrops, and swatting mosquitoes! 


But September—just the sound of it, and the rhythm of life points to a time for more intentional gathering: at school, school sporting events, and for WORSHIP, FELLOWSHIP and the gathering of children/youth for the GIFT  and CONFIRMATION on specific Wednesday during the months.


We gather.  We gather in order to “go out”, into our daily life and be God’s people in all the varies roles, places and vocations we are called into.  This includes: being a student, being a teacher, being a volunteer, being on a committee, serving on a board (both at church and in other settings), being a retiree or a referee, being a driver or a baker, being a nurse or a coach, being parents, and being children or young adult.  All gather, or are welcomed in- then we go out!

We gather.  As the refrains from the hymn (“Here is this Place” ELW 532/WOV 718 Text: Marty Haugen, b. 1950  Text © 1982 GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.) states

“Gather us in, the lost and forsaken,

gather us in, the blind and the lame;

call to us now, and we shall awaken,

we shall arise at the sound of our name.” (refrain vs 1)

My prayer for all of you, all of us, is to be awakened, to here the call to be intentional, now that summer is over, and gather.  God’s grace and peace be with you as we……………



Returning Thanks for all good gifts.

Affirming our identity as Baptized Children of God.

Telling the story of God’s love for us!

Hearing the healing words of forgiveness!

Encouraging those around us!

Remembering the promises: forgiveness of sins, salvation, and eternal life.

                                                          Thanks be to God!                                                                    Pastor Carol

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