Greetings Friends and Neighbors!                             

God’s grace and peace to you!

As the school year comes to an end, and the hectic days of summer are upon us, take some time to listen to a song, say hello to a neighbor, prepare your project for 4-H, partake in the leisure activities of summer, go to worship and read a good poem! The one below is provided for your reading, reminding and renewing pleasure!



Praise from All Creatures, Laughers, and List-Makers

Praise be to you, O Lord,

who spins shining stars across the wondrous heavens

and stretches out the seas,

who lifts the dawn into place

and sets boundaries for night,

who awes the earth with storms

and gentles it with green,

who gives everything a season

 and breathes life and love into the dust of me.

Praise be to you.


Praise in all things,

for all things:

the soft slant of sunlight,

the sweat of battle,

a song in the wilderness,

the evening breeze,

the deep breath,

the tended wound,

mercy, quietness, a friend;

for the miracles of the daily,

the mysteries of the eternal.

Praise be to you.


Praise from all creatures,

laughers, and list-makers,

wonders and worriers,

poets and plodders and prophets,

the wrinkled, the newborn,

the whale, and the worm,

from all and from me.


-from “Guerrillas of Grace” by Ted Loder-


Take the opportunity, whenever you can this summer, to give praise to the source of all being. Remember to make worship part of your summer- in order to give back to that source.  PRAISE BE TO GOD!

                                                            Pastor Carol

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