Dear Trinity Family,


We are entering into the season of lent.  It is one of my favorite seasons of the church year, because for me it answers the “Why” question...Why Church? -.   It is Jesus!   God’s love incarnate and how that impacts and sustains life today.

As human beings, we know that life can be full of great joys and also great sorrows...that we can be wonderful delightful human beings and at times not so wonderful or delightful and need of grace.  This lent Sunday and Wednesday Lenten worships we are going to journey together Facing the Cross.  As Jesus’ life and ministry on earth was coming close to an end.  This time in Jesus’ ministry can be referred to as the time that Jesus turned his face toward Jerusalem.  As Jesus set his face and journeyed toward Jerusalem, each and every step brought him on step closer to the encountering the pain of the cross...for humanity.

This Lenten series invites us to set our face to the cross of Christ.  We will dare to face together aspects of our lives that are not always helpful for us in living fully as we are as beloved children of God.

Our themes for lent are:

Facing our Sins– acknowledging our own sinfulness and rejoice in Christ’s forgiveness.

Facing Temptation-acknowledging we give into temptations at times but Christ gives us the power to resist temptation.

Facing Our Fears-recognizing  what stiles fear in our hearts helps us to cling more tightly to Christ.

Facing Our Worldliness-accepting we are often all too dependent on worldly good  open the door to seeing the value of everlasting blessings.

Facing One Another-confessing that we have not always treated each other in a Christlike manner helps to build better relationships.

Facing Suffering-enduring suffering in this world connects us to Christ.  Reminding us that Christ meets us at the foot of the cross and points us to the joy to come.

We gather together this lent to journey with Jesus , as he turns his face to Jerusalem, facing the cross.  May we also take this time to reflect on our lives, the things that get in the way, and acknowledge the power and hope of that come when Jesus who has faced the cross, conquered death, and rose again.  To finally be held in the promise that we have a God, who take on flesh, understands our pain and suffering and meets us precisely as we are at the foot of the cross...and doesn’t leave us there.  It is Christ who offers us forgiveness, power to resist temptation, and live boldly as Children of God.


Journeying with you!


 Pastor Krista


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