Dear Trinity Family,


You may have noticed some new items hanging in our sanctuary.  Due to a generous memorial gift from the Joan Williamson family we have 3 screens in our sanctuary to project our worship service materials on Sundays.   As Veryle and Joan traveled south for winter and worshipped at their winter church, Joan very much appreciated how the screens made it easy to worship and enhanced the worship experience.   We give thanks to the Williamson family for their generous gift to enhance our worship experience. 


We are grateful for Ryan Parish for working diligently to get things up and running.  However, Ryan has hit a snag and we are waiting for someone who has more experience in this field to help us problem solve.   This is a new and exciting venture for us.  It will take some time to get things up a going and I ask you to be patient. 


This is an exciting gift for the congregation and provides many opportunities for us in worship and with the GIFT program.  We thank the Williamson family for their generosity and Ryan for his time in getting this all set up.  I am excited have this addition to our worship and education experience. 



Pastor Krista


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