Dear Trinity Family,


I found this article that reminds us that “we are important, and of more value than many sparrows.”


And I remind you this summer to take the time to pray; even though the summer gets busy with vacations and summer activities.   


Self-fulfilling prophecies


“Children have this amazing way of becoming exactly who we tell them they are,” writes Amy Weatherly. “If we tell them they are strong, they become strong. If we tell them they are kind, they become kind.”

Perhaps Jesus knows this when he tells his disciples, “You are the salt of the earth [and] the light of the world” (Matthew 5:13-14). Clearly they haven’t already mastered sharing Jesus’ goodness with everyone! They are works in progress, as are we. But Jesus, teacher that he is, seems to set the bar high so his followers will strive to meet his expectations.

“You are Peter,” Jesus tells Simon, “and on this rock I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). We can hear Weatherly: “If we tell them they’re faithful, they become faithful.” And when Jesus declares, “You are of more value than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:31), we believe in our worth and live it out. We become what Jesus tells us we are.


—Heidi Mann


This is just a reminder that worship services are now at 10:30 am beginning on July 7th until next July 2020. 


Don’t forget to sign up your children, grandchildren or any other kiddo you know for our vacation bible school on August 6-8th.  The theme is: “Make a Splash at VBS”.  



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