Dear Trinity Families,


Years ago, when I attended my first Youth Gathering in Denver, Colorado, as a freshman in high school, Jay Beech sang a song called The Church Song.  It goes something like this….


  We are the church!  The body of our Lord.

  We are all God’s children and we have been restored!          

   The church is not a building where people come to pray,

   It’s not made out of sticks and stones, its not made out of clay…  Chorus


    You can go to worship but you cannot go to church;

    you can't find a building that's alive no matter how you search… Chorus


     The church is not a business, a committee or a board;

     it's not a corporation for the business of the Lord….Chorus


     The church, it is the people living out their lives,

  called, enlightened, sanctified for the work of Jesus Christ.


This has been an exciting summer - vacations, our youth have been to bible camp, the ELCA Youth Gathering, we have hosted Vacation Bible School and Middle School Leadership Camp, and your church councils have met and had some great discussions. 


This is fall is an exciting time for us as a church… together we are going to embark on a building project… not one of bricks and mortar but joining together in Building Christian Community at Trinity for ministry together in 2018 and beyond and we are counting one your participation.   


In the coming weeks, during worship we will be focusing on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians as we engage with the theme Building Christian Community at Trinity.  Paul wrote many letters to the churches with all sorts of problems but the letter to the Ephesians is unique.   Paul saw the need for a new vision for the church.  It doesn’t address the problems within the church but engages with the problems outside the church and the way God’s people are called to gracefully meet those challenges.  Paul challenges the believers of Ephesus to be a church built on love and extending this love beyond their friend groups, to one another, and to the world beyond the walls of the church - to be the church ACTIVE and VISIBLE in the world. 


Beloved people of God - we are the church… the call of the church in 2018 and beyond is about living out our lives as the beloved Children of God we are… responding to the needs and hurts of this world - meeting and loving God’s people where they are. Let us join together in living out our identity for WE ARE THE CHURCH!


Pastor Krista




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