Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


Although my week at camp was cut short.   I still had the opportunity to sit out on the dock of Shores of St. Andrew and watch the sunrise and experience the beautiful sunsets.  As I sat by the lake I couldn't help but breathe in deeply and take a moment to appreciate the gift of the world that God has made and given to us.   I also heard the laughter of the 88 children running around Shores, playing games, singing songs at camp fire, and sharing in God’s creation.  As the day would end I marveled at God’s creation and how each day begins new, fresh with possibilities and anticipation here at camp.


Bible camp has a special place in my heart and it is a part of summer for me.  It takes me to a place of recreation - place where work (except for maybe worship planning and newsletter) get put aside and time to play, wonder, walk, interact with God and other children of God in ways that I don't know normally get to.   As I sat by the lake this morning I was struck by our need for times of recreation… to step out of our norm… to play, to connect, to rest, to be still.   We beloved children of God are creatures who need time for recreation.  Time to be still and know that God is God. 


I pray that you find time for you and your families to step away from the daily demands and schedules to find some recreation time for you.  Recreation is part of the Christian life… my friends in Christ you and I are new creations…. each and every morning we are faced with a new day full of possibilities.  We can get stuck in ruts of our daily schedules, demands, and pressures of life and lose sight of the possibilities of a new day. 


Rob Bell in his book, How to Be Here… reminds his readers that each day is full of opportunity for creation… for us to be co-creators in this world and we choose each day what that is going to be.  He reminds his readers that regardless of what you are going through, God is present with you and even through the sufferings of life good can come out of it.   But the chapter that touched my heart was the one entitled “breathe.”  It was in this chapter we are reminded the gift that we have been given… the gift of breath… the gift of life.   So often we don't pay attention to our breath… and that is why we need time away… time for recreation. 


In the days ahead… take a couple deep breaths in the morning.  Remember that it is God that breathed life into the dusty form of Adam and God gives us the breath of life each and every day.   Remember each day is a gift from God and find a way to share the gift of you with others. 


Pastor Krista






















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