Dear Trinity Family,


As I write this letter, I am attending a Continuing Education Class and mentally going through my checklist of things that need to be done before I leave for the Youth Gathering in Houston.  And while I am excited to go the list of things I want to get done is long and continues to get longer.  It is tempting to rush and try to get everything done and keep one more (or two or three more things to the to-do list.   Does this sound familiar to anyone else?


As I interact with my colleagues (who some are also going to Houston, others are going on other trips… others who are facing significant personal and congregation struggles) we are all acutely aware that we are not alone… and the call and challenge for us is to in essence “practice what we preach”.    How are we doing at keeping the commandments?  How are we doing at keeping the Sabbath?   What do our schedules look like?  Are we taking time to worship and be in and nurture our relationship with God and our spiritual growth? 


The conversation we are having as pastors, also reminds us we are not alone as we share the stories of our ministry; we are very aware that your to-do lists are long and your schedules are full and there are often one, two or three more things to add to your to-do lists too.  So I ask these same questions of you… It’s summer our schedules change it is a time for recreation … to be “re-created” to be renewed.  Does your summer schedule give you a chance to breathe or are your running around crazy?   I encourage you to look at your schedule… How does God fit into your summer schedule?  How are you keeping Sabbath?  When are you making time for God?  I invite you to join with me… take time (try 5 minutes a day) to be still… be quiet, to pray and just be in God’s presence.  Take time as the Psalmist wrote… to BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.  


In baptism we have been given the identity of Beloved Children of God and also the role and responsibility to be workers in the kingdom of God. It is imperative for our spiritual, emotional, and physical health for us to make time for rest and recognition of the one who creates us and calls us beloved. It is imperative for our faith that we take time and make space so we can be aware of God’s present and active in our lives and listen to how God wants us to use our gifts and talents as workers in God’s kingdom.  God provides us with time for Sabbath and renewal - we must be willing to create the space to acknowledge God’s presence in our lives.


So take a moment each day… to be still… and to know that God is God. 


Pastor Krista

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